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Provision for Hook Up, Commissioning and Topside Major Maintenance Services for 2018-2023(Extension) |
Jul 2023 - Dec 2024 |
Petrofac (Malaysia-PM304) Limited, EnQuest Petroleum Production Malaysia Ltd, Hess Exploration and Production Malaysia B.V., Sapura Exploration and Production (PM) Inc. and IPC Malaysia B.V |
Hook-up and commissiong work and topside major maintenance
- Detail work packing and work schedulling
- Onshore precomm and ship loose item verification
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Provision for Hook Up, commissioning and topside major maintenance services for 2018-2023 (Package A) |
Jul 2018 - Jul 2023 |
Petrofac (Malaysia-PM304) Limited, EnQuest Petroleum Production Malaysia Ltd, Hess Exploration and Production Malaysia B.V., Sapura Exploration and Production (PM) Inc. and IPC Malaysia B.V |
Hook-up and commissiong work and topside major maintenance
Detail work packing and work schedulling
Onshore precomm and ship loose item Verification
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Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation and Commssioning with Alliance Scheme for Petronas Floating LNG Project.
Package No.3 - FLNG Offshore Works, PFLNG
Post-Installation activities and on-board hook-up, commissioning and start-up activities |
Jan 2016 - Jun 2016 |
Petronas Floating LNG 1 (L) Ltd (PFLNG) |
"Package No.3 - FLNG offshore works, PFLNG Post -
Installation activities and board hook-up, commissioning and start-up activities.
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Provision of Topside Maintenance Services for KEBABANGAN Petroleum Operating Company (KPOC) |
Apr 2015 - Apr 2016 |
KEBABANGAN Petroleum Operating Company Sdn Bhd (KPOC) |
Topside maintenance, minor installation and modification projects of offshore structures & facilities and the associated onshore minor fabrication services for KPOC. |
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Provision of Hook-Up, Commissioning (HUC), Services for Block PM307 Bertam Field Development Project |
Aug 2014 - Aug 2017 |
Lundin Malaysia B.V |
Wellhead platform (WHP) for block PM307 Bertam field development project |
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Provision of Hook Up, Commissioning and Topside Major Maintenance Services for 2012 to 2017 |
Jul 2013 - May 2017 |
Talisman Malaysia Limited |
Detailed engineering, procurement, fabrication, onshore testing and pre- commissioning, transportation, hook-up & commissioning, start-up assistance and final documentation of the facilities for Talisman facilities at Offshore Sabah & Sarawak. |
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Provision for Hook Up, Commissioning and Topside Major Maintenance Services for 2013 - 2018 |
May 2013 - May 2018 |
Petrofac (Malaysia-PM304) Limited |
Detailed engineering, procurement, fabrication, onshore testing and pre-commissioning, transportation, hook-up & commissioning, start-up assistance and final documentation of the Petrofac facilities:-
- HUC and TMM for cendor phase 2 development project block PM 304
- HUC and TMM for west Desaru
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Provision of Hook Up, Commissioning and Topside Major Maintenance Services for 2013 - 2018 (Package C1 - West Malaysia and Package F1 - East Malaysia) |
May 2013 - May 2018 |
Newfield Peninsular Malaysia Inc |
Detailed engineering, procurement, fabrication, onshore testing and pre- commissioning, transportation, hook-up & commissioning, start-up assistance and final documentation of the facilities for Newfield West Malaysia and East Malaysia. |
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Provision of Onshore Pre-Fabrication and Offshore Modification for PM329 East Piatu Gas Injection |
May 2012 - Sep 2012 |
Newfield Peninsular Malaysia Inc. |
Preparation of Work package including procurement activities for onshore pre-fabrication and offshore hook-up and commissioning for PM329 East Piatu Platform (Brownfield facilities). |
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Provision of Offshore Hook-up and Commisioning of PM329 East Piatu Central Processing Platform and Wellhead Platform |
Mar 2011 - Oct 2011 |
Newfield Peninsular Malaysia Inc. |
Hook-up tie-ins, testing and commissioning of East Piatu CPP and WH platform including preparation of work package, jobcard coordination with module fabricator (KHL) and supply of engineering personnel skill manpower, equipments and tools for offshore. |
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Provision of Onshore Pre-Fabrication & Offshore Modification for PM329 East Piatu Central Processing Platform and Wellhead Platform |
Mar 2011 - Oct 2011 |
Newfield Peninsular Malaysia Inc |
Engineering development work (preparation of work package) including procurement for pre-fabrication and offshore hook-up, tie-ins, testing and commissioning of host-Tie ins facilities on tinggi A & Tiong A platform. |
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Provision of Riser repair for Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd - Sabah Operations |
Mar 2011 - Jun 2011 |
Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd - SBO |
Engineering development work (preparation of work package) including procurement for pre-fabrication and offshore hook-up, tie-ins, testing and commissioning of 8 no’s of riser for Semarang field (Brownfield facilities). |
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Provision for Onshore Pre-fabrication and Offshore Modification Works of Chemingat & East Belumut-A Facilities |
Aug 2010 - Mar 2011 |
Newfield Peninsular Malaysia Inc. |
Preparation of work package including procurement activities for pre-fabrication and offshore hook-up tie-in, testing and commissioning for the modification of various structural work, process abd utilities systems at Chemingat and East Belumut facilities. |
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Samarang Pipeline Replacement Project - Installation of New Deck Extension at SMP-A, SMP-C and SMJT-C, (Topside Portion) for PL110, PL108, PL129 & PL109 |
Jun 2007 - Jun 2008 |
Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd - SBO |
Preparation of work package including procurement activities for pre-fabrication and offshore hook-up and commissioning activities including details engineering design, procurement, pre-fabrication and offshore installation of pipeline riser repair / replacement |
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Pig Trap Design and Installation at Semarang Field (SMJT-C, SMJT-D, SMJT-F), Sabah |
Jun 2007 - Jun 2008 |
Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd - SBO |
Removal and modification of existing launcher / receiver facilities and its associated piping work on Semarang topsides (6 platforms). Involved pre- fabrication of tie-ins spool, structural supports, extension deck or access platform and offshore installation and tie-ins during 2 weeks shutdown window in Feb 08 and post installation & commissioning work. |